
Flir thermal camera raspberry pi
Flir thermal camera raspberry pi

If you use wildcards, be sure to enclose the argument in quotes, otherwise your shell will expand the wildcard before running the program and confuse it. Split_seqs accepts either a directory, a specific filename, or a wildcard string (e.g. no_sync_rgb Attempt to synchronise RGB/IR streams (default: False ) sync_rgb Attempt to synchronise RGB/IR streams (default: False ) no_skip_thermal Skip thermal processing (default: False ) skip_thermal Skip thermal processing (default: False ) no_export_preview Export 8-bit preview png files (default: True ) export_preview Export 8-bit preview png files (default: True ) no_export_tiff Export radiometric tiff files (default: True ) export_tiff Export radiometric tiff files (default: True ) no_export_meta Export meta information files (also for geotagging ) (default: True ) export_meta Export meta information files (also for geotagging ) (default: True ) no_split_filetypes Split output files by type (make Raw/preview/radiometric folders ) (default: True ) split_filetypes Split output files by type (make no_merge_folders Merge output folders (and remove intermediates merge_folders Merge output folders (and remove intermediates height HEIGHT Thermal image height (default: 512 ) width WIDTH Thermal image width (default: 640 ) use_gstreamer Use Gstreamer for video decoding (default: False ) RGB Output quality ( 0-100 ) (default: 80 ) rgb RGB If provided, split videos too e.g. Output preview format (png, jpg, tiff ) (default: jpg ) h, -help show this help message and exit Once installed, you can run: $ split_seqs -h raw conversionįlirpy includes a convenience utility split_seqs for splitting FLIR sequence (SEQ) files.

  • flirpy.util contains helper functions e.g.
  • flirpy.io contains claseses to deal with thermal image formats.
  • flirpy.camera contains classes to communicate with FLIR camera cores directly.
  • The library is organised into logical sections: Submit a PR if you like! Library organisation Python 2 is effectively end of life and while I'd like to support both, it's a low priority. However, some file IO is hit and miss on Python 2 due to differences in regexes.


    I have tried to ensure that certain functions are portable between Python 2 and 3, mainly those involved with camera communication (for example if you want to use flirpy with ROS, most of the important stuff works). It is strongly recommended that you use Python 3.

  • FLIR Lepton (PureThermal board, capture+telemetry only).
  • TeAx Fusion Zoom (image post-processing).
  • TeAx ThermalCapture Grabber USB (image capture and Tau2 serial).
  • Extract and plot GPS traces from image sequences (e.g.
  • Convert raw images to radiometric images.
  • seq, fff, tmc, tfc) to geotagged readable images If you use flirpy for a research or other publishable application, please cite it using the Zenodo DOI. Flirpy is a Python library to interact with FLIR thermal imaging cameras and images.

    Flir thermal camera raspberry pi